541.488.7716 185 N. Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520

Farginen, a Mussar Course


A four session Mussar course with Rabbi David

Thursdays, October 19, 26, Nov. 2 and Nov 9, 5:00-6:00  PM

Farginen is an amazing tool for transforming the damaging effects of gossip, feuds, and disagreements.  In Yiddish to Fargin means to “not begrudge” someone, especially at those times when envy or negative judgements get in the way of relationships. Farginen was so much part of Eastern European Yiddish culture that it was never thought of as a technique, a system, or a model. It was simply a natural survival tool that arose within communities and families that were under enormous duress. 

Each of us as individuals are under a unique kind of duress today – a duress that is often self-inflicted because we no longer have the necessary tools for working together in constructive ways. Envy, rivalry, power struggles, and gossip often undermine the best of our relationships, families and communities. The practice of farginnin just might be the medicine that many of us need a good dose of today.

Participants will receive the special booklet that Reb David created to teach this practice. In this Mussar-based class we’ll use the text and see how it can improve our own personal lives and elevate our ethical relationships with each other as a community.

“Farginnen an essential vitamin for all social groups. Reb David’s book is the antidote to the social infections lurking in each group endeavor.”     

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi