Friday Night Live – Musical Shabbat,February 17, 7 PM
Join Maggidah Cyrise Beatty Schachter and the Asiyah Trio us IN PERSON (or on zoom) for a delicious musical evening of spiritual recharge.Maggidah Cyrise and the Asiyah Trio will bring you a space to pray, connect, sing, dance and welcome the blessing of rest and renewal that is SHABBAT!
Friday Night Live – Musical Shabbat,February 17, 7 PM
Join Maggidah Cyrise Beatty Schachter and the Asiyah Trio us IN PERSON (or on zoom) for a delicious musical evening of spiritual recharge.Maggidah Cyrise and the Asiyah Trio will bring you a space to pray, connect, sing, dance and welcome the blessing of rest and renewal that is SHABBAT!