541.488.7716 185 N. Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520
High Holy Days 2020/5781
Everyone is welcome to join Rabbi David Zaslow, Morah Cyrise Beatty Schachter, Rabbi Sue Morningstar, Rabbi Emanuel Ben-David, Daniel Greenblatt, Maggidah Devorah Zaslow, Maggidah Ayala Zonnenschein, Allen Kenner and others to our beautiful, musical High Holy Day services. Non-members are asked to pre-register in advance. We look forward to welcoming you!
High Holy Days 2020/5781
Everyone is welcome to join Rabbi David Zaslow, Morah Cyrise Beatty Schachter, Rabbi Sue Morningstar, Rabbi Emanuel Ben-David, Daniel Greenblatt, Maggidah Devorah Zaslow, Maggidah Ayala Zonnenschein, Allen Kenner and others to our beautiful, musical High Holy Day services. Non-members are asked to pre-register in advance. We look forward to welcoming you!
Download a copy of the flyer here: https://havurahshirhadash.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/HHSchedule2020Final.pdf
Register Now!PLEASE NOTE: Tashlich on Rosh HaShanah, Day 1, Saturday afternoon will only happen if the air quality is less than 100/moderate.