541.488.7716 185 N. Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520

Israel’s 75th Independence Day

On Tuesday, April 25 at 7 PM via Zoom the Havurah joins together with the Aquarian Minyan, Ruach HaMidbar and P’nai Or of Portland to celebrate Israel’s 75th Independence Day. Join Achi Ben Shalom, singer/songwriter/musical director in the SF Bay Area, Reb David, Rabbi Jonathan Seidel, Rabbi Emanuel Ben David,

Rabbi Hannah Laner, Rabbi Sarah Leah Mazel Tov Grafstein, and Maggidah Ayala for an evening of appreciation for Israel.Achi will share beautiful, Israel songs spanning early Zionism to present day Israel. The speakers will share teachings and stories interspersed between these musical offering.


Meeting ID: 832 2182 0599

Passcode: 413836