541.488.7716 185 N. Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520
Peace through Music
Anima Mundi Productions, a Rogue Valley-based nonprofit organization dedicated to “healing the soul of the world through the arts,” proudly announces Peace Through Music, a week of free events featuring Syrian-American pianist, composer, and peace activist Malek Jandali.
Wednesday, October 2, 7:00-8:30 pm: Havurah Synagogue, Peace through Music Interfaith Event Anima Mundi Productions and the Havurah Shir Hadash Synagogue present an interfaith presentation on the theme of overcoming conflict through music. Malek Jandali will share profoundly moving stories of traveling the world to preserve the musical heritage of his native Syria through his compositions which incorporate ancient melodies from Aleppo, Damascus, and other stops on the Silk Road.
Peace through Music
Anima Mundi Productions, a Rogue Valley-based nonprofit organization dedicated to “healing the soul of the world through the arts,” proudly announces Peace Through Music, a week of free events featuring Syrian-American pianist, composer, and peace activist Malek Jandali.
Anima Mundi Productions and the Havurah Shir Hadash Synagogue present an interfaith presentation on the theme of overcoming conflict through music. Malek Jandali will share profoundly moving stories of traveling the world to preserve the musical heritage of his native Syria through his compositions which incorporate ancient melodies from Aleppo, Damascus, and other stops on the Silk Road.