541.488.7716 185 N. Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520

HIGH HOLY DAYS 2024/5785

Everyone is welcome to join Rabbi David Zaslow, Rabbi Sue Morningstar, Rabbi Emanuel Ben-David, Maggidah Ayala, along with the Havurah Choir and musicians for inspirational, musical, prayerful services, stories by Maggidah Devorah Zaslow and teachings. Advanced registration is required for Non-Members.

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Viewpoint: The dangerous misuse of words by Rabbi David Zaslow

January 11, 2024

Highly charged terms such as ‘genocide’ and ‘apartheid’ only promote divisiveness if they are applied inaccurately

By Rabbi David Zaslow

Criticism of a nation’s policies is a vital feature of thriving democracies like the United States and Israel. But the misuse of  words in order to advance one’s belief only adds fuel to the fires of divisiveness and hatred.

First Day Wisdom Garden School

Join us on Wednesday, September 27 at 3:30 pM in the Havurah garden as we kick off our year with a Sukkah Decorating Pizza Party! There will be crafts for everyone! Bring flowers, gourds, corn stalks, everygreen brances and anything from the natural world to beautify our Sukkah!

High Holy Days 2023/5784

Everyone is invited to join Rabbi David Zaslow, Rabbi Sue Morningstar, Rabbi Emanuel Ben David, Maggidot Cyrise and Ayala, along with the Asiyah Trio for inspirational, musical, prayerful services, stories by Maggidah Devorah Zaslow and teachings. Advanced registration is required by clicking on the link below. Services will be offered in-person and via Zoom. All welcome! High Holy registration is free for Havurah members. CLICK HERE to join today!

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Zot Hanukkah 2022

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On Sunday, December 25, 7:00 PM PST, join the Aquarian Minyan and Havurah Synagogue on Zoom for our 3rd annual musical celebration of the last night of Hannukah, known as Zot Hanukkah!

Achi Ben Shalom will share a gorgeous collection of Hanukkah songs, and will be joined by Reb David, Rabbi Jonathan Seidel, Ami Goodman and Devorah Zaslow.