Posts by ayala:
- The Psalms of King Dylan with Reb David Zaslow, via Zoom, Wednesday, January 22, 7PM via Zoom
- Hanukkah Fest 2024, Saturday, December 28th, 4:30 PM
- To Everything There is a Season- study Ecclesiastes in the Sukkah with Reb David, Sat., Oct. 19, 10:30 AM
- Family Sukkot Gathering – TONIGHT, Friday, October 18, 5:00 PM
- HIGH HOLY DAYS 2024/5785
- 36th Community Passover Seder Tuesday, April 23,5:30 PM
- Purim 5784! Saturday, March 23, 6:00 PM
- Viewpoint: The dangerous misuse of words by Rabbi David Zaslow
- First Day Wisdom Garden School
- High Holy Days 2023/5784
Posts by ayala: