The Morningstar Files
Teachings from Rabbi Sue Morningstar
D’var Torah: Shemini
Sue’s Rosh HaShannah Talk, 5768 (2007) (PDF)
Vort Presented 1/11/05 at Boulder Ohala (PDF)
Talk for Conversations With God Interfaith Forum, 12/25/05(PDF)
Rosh HaShanah 2006 (PDF)
Prayer for a Woman Reading Torah for the First Time, October 2006 (PDF)
Alternative Translation of the 10 Commandments, May 2013 (PDF)
The Morningstar Files
Teachings from Rabbi Sue Morningstar
D’var Torah: Shemini
Sue’s Rosh HaShannah Talk, 5768 (2007) (PDF)
Vort Presented 1/11/05 at Boulder Ohala (PDF)
Talk for Conversations With God Interfaith Forum, 12/25/05(PDF)
Rosh HaShanah 2006 (PDF)
Prayer for a Woman Reading Torah for the First Time, October 2006 (PDF)
Alternative Translation of the 10 Commandments, May 2013 (PDF)