541.488.7716 185 N. Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520

Our 2 Cents

Opinions, Articles, Letters, Ideas

My TurnA selection of stories and essays from Members and Friends

Baseball Kabbalah Reuven Goldfarb

A Mixed MarriageDeborah Zaslow

The Number of JewsMarlis Beier, MD

Message from the Bride – by Evelyn Rivlin


Issues of Our Days – Timely topical of social and current events


Solidarity with Israel Eli Wiesel

“I have a Dream” for peace in the Middle East: Martin Luther King Jr.’s special bond with Israel
– John Lewis

Interview with Former Middle East Envoy Dennis Ross

Liberal and Pro-Israel – Phyllis Chesler

Forced Female Suicide – Phyllis Chesler

The Ten Fatal Flaws of Oslo Yossi Klein Halevi

Jerusalem: A Vision – by Rabbi Menachem Froman

Rabbi With a Cause: An Interview with Rabbi Menachem Froman Newsweek International

Twenty Facts about Israel and the Middle East Compiled by William Bennett, Jack Kemp, and Jeane Kirkpatrick

Think Again: Yasir Arafat by Dennis B. Ross

Explaining the Arab-Israeli Conflict Through Numbersby Dennis Prager



The Perils of Indifference – by Eli Wiesel

The Brownshirts of Our Time – Phyllis Chesler

New Anti-Semitism – by Miriam Greenspan, Tikkun Magazine: December, 2003

Is It Anti-Semitism? by Claudia Chaves

Its Political Upsurge is the Real Menace, Not the ‘Passion Movie’ by George F. Will

How Suicide Bombers Are Made by Fiamma Nirenstein

Remarks to the Israeli Knesset Marking the Struggle Against Anti-Semitism by Ariel Sharon


“Gender Cleansing” in the Sudan – Phyllis Chesler

morningside2010 (PDF File)– Rabbi Sue Morningstar



Spirituality and ALEPH’s Mission – by Susan Saxe

mitzvot (PDF File)

The Twelve Steps to Recovery


Torah Commentaries of our Rabbis and Maggidim

Parshat Toldot 2020 by Rabbi Emanuel Ben-David

Parshat Toldot 2020 by Maggidah Ayala Zonnenschein

Passover D’var by Gail Pasternack

Pesach D’var by Dr. Deborah Rosenberg

Rabbi Emanuel’s Teachings

Teachings on Hanukkah 2020

Maoz Tzur Explained 2020