by Rabbi David Zaslow Good evening and welcome. I was born in 1947, and moved to Ashland to complete my graduate studies in 1970. When I first arrived here, at the height of the hippie movement, new friends would ask me “what’s your sign?” And I would answer “Jackie Robinson with Israel rising.” You see, …
Posted: November 8, 2013 by ayala
Breakthrough and Interiorization
by Rabbi David Zaslow In poetry, when an innovation in the use of metaphor or rhythm is first discovered, it is called the breakthrough. After a breakthrough there will others who will do the work of interiorization. For instance, in the late nineteenth-century, the British Victorian poet Gerard Manley Hopkins made a breakthrough in the …
Posted: September 1, 2013 by ayala
Four Holidays, Four Levels of Consciousness
By Rabbi David Zaslow Each of the four holy days in our High Holiday season goes deeper and deeper, higher and higher into the hidden realms of the psyche. We begin with Rosh Hashanah, the new moon, and a new year. It is a day of awe as we envision ourselves as being written, God …
Posted: October 1, 2012 by ayala
Responding to the Death of A Mass Murderer
by Rabbi David Zaslow Last night President Obama reminded us that Osama Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader, but a mass murderer of Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Of course, there is no “right” way to respond to the death of such a tyrant. The issue of “rejoicing” over the fall of an enemy like …
Posted: August 5, 2012 by ayala
The Beginning of the Beginning
by Rabbi David Zaslow August, 2012 Judaism is not merely a religion, but a nature-based montage of spiritual practices we call mitzvot intended to elevate consciousness, and to help each of us to realize our own Divine essence, and unique destiny. Every lunar cycle is associated with some festival or holy day that helps each …
Posted: August 5, 2012 by ayala
Time is a Mystery
by Rabbi David Zaslow August, 2012 Time is a mystery. Time is precious. Time is a precious mystery. The unusual word “anamnesis” describes memory as an actual recall of a past event. When I say “actual” I mean that the event in the past is experienced as if it were still occurring in the present. …
Posted: September 16, 2011 by ayala
The Shot Heard ‘Round the World…Again!
by Rabbi David Zaslow Beloved 85 year old Brooklyn Dodger pitcher Ralph Branca is an active Catholic. Last week he’s told by the reporter who wrote his biography that his mother was Jewish. I get called by the NY Times for my reaction. A small story that’s shaking up the baseball loving corners of the …
Posted: November 16, 2010 by ayala
Peak Experiences
by Rabbi David Zaslow Just as there are certain times in our lives when we have peak experiences, so there are certain times of the year when nature affords us the opportunity to have exalted spiritual experiences. In Judaism, we think of lifecycle events as turning points that represent a pinnacle in our lives. Brit …
Posted: October 1, 2010 by ayala
Noah’s Ark
by Rabbi David Zaslow My friend and teacher Avraham Sand cites Tatiana Rona: “Do as Noah did and build an ark. An ‘ark’ in Hebrew is taiva – which means also a ‘word.’ Your ark shall be your words of meditation and prayer. Enter into your ark and let the waters lift you up, rather …
Posted: January 1, 2010 by ayala
G-d, Boys, and Brooklyn
by Rabbi David Zaslow Good evening and welcome. I was born in 1947, and moved to Ashland to complete my graduate studies in 1970. When I first arrived here, at the height of the hippie movement, new friends would ask me “what’s your sign?” And I would answer “Jackie Robinson with Israel rising.” You see, …
Posted: January 1, 2010 by ayala
Oppressor and Oppressed
by Rabbi David Zaslow Rev. Martin Luther King used to teach that the liberation from racism was not just for Black Americans, but for white people as well. The religious leaders in the Civil Rights movement had the vision to understand that redemption is not just for the victim, but for the victimizer as well; not …