541.488.7716 185 N. Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520

The Heimann Family Wisdom Garden School

Rabbi's Message

The word for education in Hebrew is chinuch and shares the same root as the name of our holiday called Hanukkah. The root of both words means dedication. It takes a student’s dedication to learn all about our rich history, holiday cycles, and prayers. And it takes dedication on the part of the staff to be able to impart such a long and rich tradition.

Dedication is the basis for a good Jewish education. But dedication alone is like a menorah without oil. The oil for the lamp of learning is joy.

A good teacher lights the emotional and spiritual lamp of each menorah that is inside each child. And this can only be done by making the curriculum fun, relevant, and joyous. That is what Hands on Judaism is all about.

Jewish Renewal has a special way of making the presence of G-d accessible and available to people of all ages through study, prayer, singing, story-telling, and art. Our school staff is dedicated to making each and every class as memorable an event as possible. Our school is geared toward developing a life long love of learning. While children are learning in a creative environment, they are learning all the traditional aspects of Jewish ethics & values, mitzvot, Torah, blessings and prayers. The program is child-centered, thus our children love to come.

We look forward to having your child/children in our monthly program. Please call 541-488-7716 for more info or e-mail Ayala Zonnenschein, our Executive Director, at ayala@ashlandhavurah.org.