541.488.7716 185 N. Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520

SHAVUOT: A Night of Revelations with Havurah Shir Hadash, P’nai Or and The Aquarian Minyan

Tuesday, June 11, 7:30 – 9:15 PM via Zoom

Join us for an evening focused on the magic of revelation – personal stories, teachings, and songs. 7:30 PM to 9:15 PM: hosted by Reb David: with Reb Rivka Coburn, Magidah Cassandra Sagan,
Magidah Ayala Zonnenschein, Student Rabbi Zmira Lovejoy, Rabbi David Zaslow, and Magidah Cyrise Schachter, and Mashpi’ah Linda Zahavi.

Rabbi Art Green writes, “The three days preceding Shavu’ot are treated in the tradition as an especially holy time, getting us ready to stand at Sinai once again. You never know who you might encounter or stand next to at the holy mountain: a Jew from another place, a very different community, a different generation. We were all there together – as one – and we will be again this year.Yes, even this year!”

9:15 PM to 11 PM: longer offerings hosted by Reb Jonathan:

Rabbi Jonathan Seidel: The Song of Songs as Revelation of Earth Torah

Baal Bracha Barry Barkin: A New Light is Shining out of Zion
and We are All Worthy to Shine

Sophie Miron: Transforming El Adon to El Eden

Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 832 2182 0599
Passcode: 413836