541.488.7716 185 N. Mountain Ave Ashland, OR 97520

Carlebach Kabbalat Shabbat

CARLEBACH KABBALAT SHABBAT Join Hadassah Dejack and Allen Kenner for monthly Kabbalat Shabbat gatherings on Friday nights. The short (less than one hour) gathering of singing in Shabbat. PLEASE NOTE THERE WILL BE NO POTLUCK MEAL following the service due to coronavirus.  

Israel Trip 2015

Join us for Havurah’s Spiritual Journey to Israel May 26 – June 7, 2015 with Rabbi David Zaslow For the past 18 years Reb David has been dreaming and talking about being part of a Havurah trip to Israel. In 1991 Reb Aryeh z”l led our synagogue’s first trip to Israel, and it’s time for …

Comedy Roast & Toast

Join us on Sunday, June 1 at 7:00 PM for a Comedy Roast and Toast! We are transforming the Havurah into a fabulous, classy night club (reminiscent of Jazmin’s) and offering a delicious light supper with treats like salmon wellington & fresh asparagus brie crostini by ABC Kitchen Catering (Marlane Balcomb & Scott, formerly of …

Reb Zalman

  Reb Zalman & Eve Shabbaton A One-of-A-Kind Opportunity to celebrate Shabbat with Reb Zalman & Eve Ilsen: Learning, chanting, prayer, and community like you’ve always dreamed of! May 2-4,2014 in beautiful Ashland, Oregon…halfway between the Bay Area and Portland. Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi is one of the most important spiritual leaders of our generation. Join us …