Wednesday, October 20, 4:30 PM Please join Reb David, Rabbi Sue Morningstar, Rabbi Julie Benioff, Rabbi Jackie Brodsky, Rabbi Emanuel Ben-David, and Daniel Greenblatt and Ross Albertson of the Hevre Kadisha (Jewish Burial Society) to learn about the beautiful way we deal with death in our tradition from Shmira (watching over the body) to Tahara
Posted: April 13, 2023 by ayala
Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance, Monday, April 17 via Zoom
The Havurah, P’nai Or and Temple Emek Shalom join together to commemorate Yom HaShoah with songs led by Achi Ben Shalom, prayers, poems, and teachings, Please join us in remembering the six million souls that were stolen from us.
Posted: January 18, 2023 by ayala
Tu’b’Shvat Seder and Tikkun
Register Now! We are joining with the Aquarian Minyan in Berkeley to celebrate Tu’b’Shvat on Sunday, February 5, 2023 6:00 – 8:30 PM via Zoom. We will start out with a Four World Seder with teachings, songs and stories, followed by more teachings by some outstanding teachers.
Posted: November 29, 2022 by ayala
Zot Hanukkah 2022
Register Now! On Sunday, December 25, 7:00 PM PST, join the Aquarian Minyan and Havurah Synagogue on Zoom for our 3rd annual musical celebration of the last night of Hannukah, known as Zot Hanukkah! Achi Ben Shalom will share a gorgeous collection of Hanukkah songs, and will be joined by Reb David, Rabbi Jonathan Seidel, …
Posted: October 14, 2022 by ayala
Wisdom Garden Opens!!
Registration is now open for Wisdom Garden, serving children in grades K – 5th. Please contact for more info and/or to register.
Posted: May 12, 2022 by ayala
A Very Cool Family Shabbat Gathering in the library wtih Reb David and Devorah Friday, July 19, 5:00 PM
Please join us with your tots, tweens, teens…everyone is welcome! Join Reb David and Devorah to welcome Shabbat with candle lighting, songs, prayers, a story and grateful hearts, in-person and via Zoom in the Havurah library! Feel free to bring your own dinner. Beverages will be provided.
Posted: December 15, 2021 by ayala
Musical Celebration of Tu’b’Shvat with Achi Ben Shalom
Join us on Sunday, January 16 at 7:00 PM for a celebration of the trees! We’ll enjoy some beautiful, short teachings of this ancient, ecological holiday and a beautiful concert with Achi ben Shalom, singer/songwriter/musical director in the SF Bay Area. The event is co-sponsored by Jewish Renewal communities…P’nai Or of Portland and the Aquarian …
Posted: October 28, 2021 by ayala
Zot Hanukkah!
Join us for a wonderful celebration of the Eight Night of Hanukkah on Sunday, December 5 at 7:00 PM on Zoom! Register Here! Rabbi David will lead us in Candle Lighting, Devorah will share a Hanukkah story, Morah Cyrise and Allen
Posted: September 22, 2021 by ayala
End of Life Jewish Spiritual Practices
Wednesday, October 20, 4:30 PM Please join Reb David, Rabbi Sue Morningstar, Rabbi Julie Benioff, Rabbi Jackie Brodsky, Rabbi Emanuel Ben-David, and Daniel Greenblatt and Ross Albertson of the Hevre Kadisha (Jewish Burial Society) to learn about the beautiful way we deal with death in our tradition from Shmira (watching over the body) to Tahara
Posted: August 25, 2021 by ayala
High Holy Days 5782/2021
Everyone is welcome to join Rabbi David Zaslow, Maggidah Cyrise, guest cantor, Hazan Baruch Morris, supported by Daniel Greenblatt, Maggidah Devorah Zaslow, Allen Kenner and others our beautiful, musical High Holy Day services. Non-members are asked to pre-register in advance. We look forward to welcoming you! Register CLICK HERE to download a PDF version of …
Posted: May 8, 2018 by ayala
Kabbalah Meditation
Kabbalah Meditation with Rabbi David Zaslow Beginning on Thursday, June 21 from 5-6 PM, Rabbi David Zaslow will teach an introduction class in Kabbalah Meditation. Participants will learn to understand the chakra system in Judaism known as Sefirot.