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Tag: blog

Moral Equivalency

by Rabbi David Zaslow I recently responded to an internet posting where a well known, peace activist, rabbi, and colleague of mine made a case for morally equivalency between the actions of Hamas and those of the Israeli military in Lebanon last summer. Many of us hear fallacious comparisons (Zionism is racism, Israel practices of …

Comparative Proportionality

by Rabbi David Zaslow Recently I posted the following response to two esteemed colleagues of mine…teacher’s whose Torah insights I study and often quote. Yet, regarding the dangers of Islamic extremism to Jews, Christians, and to mainstream, peace-loving Muslims, we have important disagreements. One colleague wrote, “Are there some Muslims who claim the authority of …

Faster Than You Can Say Jackie Robinson

by Rabbi David Zaslow, dedicated to Richard Seidman December, 2006 I was born December 23, 1947 in the midst of an historic snowstorm that immobilized New York City, and at the exact midpoint between three great events: when Jackie Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers, when my teacher Reb Zalman received rabbinic ordination from the previous …

Reflections on Hamas

by Rabbi David Zaslow Reprinted from Washington Jewish Week which printed this Op Ed on February 2, 2006 The Palestinian people have just elected officials with the level of consciousness of Torquemada in the 16th. century who no more represented real Christianity than Hamas represents real Islam. Nevertheless when I met with Hamas in a …